Examples Of Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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The Immorality Behind Materialistic Minds Excessive pride, derived from a beautified understanding of their pasts, motivates both Jay Gatsby, from The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, and Willy Loman, the salesman from Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, to constantly prove themselves to others. Their obsessions quickly invalidate their morals, ultimately leading to their downfalls. As an elderly man, Willy is disappointed that his son, Biff, did not satisfy his dreams of becoming successful and had become a failure due to his own constant uplifting excuses. For example, when Happy notifies Willy Biff had stolen a football from his high school, Willy asserts the coach will allow such delinquent behaviour, claiming “he likes you. If somebody …show more content…

In the same way, Jay Gatsby becomes obsessed with advertising his income to the population of New York in order to lure Daisy Buchanan, his former lover, back to him. Throughout the novel, reunifying with Daisy captivates Jay Gatsby’s attention due to his obsession of reliving his happier past. In an attempt to beguile his former lover, Gatsby acquires mass amounts of wealth in order to please her materialistic manner by involving himself in illicit activities associated with the prohibition. When Nick “ask[s] him what business he[‘s] in”, inquiring about his family fortunes, “he answer[s], ‘That’s my affair’, before realiz[ing] that it wasn’t the appropriate reply” (Miller 68). In the past, Gatsby’s happiness came from his relationship with Daisy, comparable to the happiness Willy received from Biff’s successes. When derived from these two people, Gatsby and Willy lose their sources of pride, prompting them to “repeat the past” through immoral actions (Miller 84). These character’s belief of a monetary value equalling a man’s worth provokes their moral decay once they are unable to flaunt their prosperity to others around them. As a result, Gatsby commits the immoral action of participating in illegal activities, whereas Willy kills himself in order

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