Essay On Cross Generation Conflict

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BOM: Managing Conflict in Cross Generation Audience Interaction: (cassie) (Show the audience the slide show; the different generations and their views. After the slideshow is viewed, the speaker asks “what do you think this slideshow has illustrated?” Let audience respond) The workforce we work in today is changing rapidly. Over the last decades the development of technology has been widespread. Not only has technological development had an impact on each of us but also it has significantly influenced a generation gap. Simply said, the older lifestyle has become obsolete. Technology has wiped out many of the old practices that the older generation have used. Because of this generation gap, there are marked differences between our generation …show more content…

In today’s society many generations feel as if they are not respected by other generations, and often have the feeling of discrimination against their age or race. These problems may get even worse due to technology and work patterns that mix workers of different ages in ever changing situations. Some of the highlights that could be guaranteed ways of pushing past generational barriers as well as building intergenerational relationships could be Using mindset strategies which a steps to help development in the workplace , these mindset indicate how to approach different cross generational differences as well as a few tips to improve communication within the workforce . Some of the strategies that should be recognised and considered within the cross generational workforce should be: recognising the value of learning about cross –generational teams, identifying characteristics of cross-generational teams and identifying issue of conflict. A few mindset strategies that are a good way of getting along and understanding the cross generational teams are: MINDSET STRATIGES: - Approaching with …show more content…

To carry out the research, he carried out a survey, asking a total of 189 workers from production and office jobs, which included workers aged from 18-65 years. The survey was about personal and job resources, task-specific motivation and job satisfaction. The authors collected ratings on five point likert scales; ranging from 1(which was ‘I fully disagree’) to 5 (which was ‘I fully agree’). Upon surveying the workers, they came up with the hypothesis; ‘Age is positively related to the level of motivation for generativity-related tasks (hence, generativity motivation) and ‘Age is negatively related to the level of motivation for growth-related tasks (hence, growth motivation).’ They argued that age differences in work motivation were best assessed at a task-specific level. Workers attach lower importance to work relative to other life goals, but still be motivated for tasks associated with those goals (eg being generative) that become important with

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