Examples Of Limbo In Catcher In The Rye

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In the novel The Catcher In the Rye by JD Salinger, Holden expands the limbo in the middle of youth and adulthood for as long as he can. As a young fellow, he needs to begin rationally setting himself up to end up a grown-up. He is in highschool and he needs to begin settling on a few choices for himself. There is proof of both youth and adulthood moves made by Holden. In any case, Holden secures the limbo in the middle of youth and adulthood by regarding and attempting to secure the honesty of kids, and esteeming that purity over the phoniness of grown-ups… , while as yet acting imposter himself and doing "strong things" that just a grown-up would do, for example, reviling, drinking at bars and calling prostitutes. A youth part of Holden

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