Examples Of Insane In Hamlet

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Is Hamlet insane? That is the question. To answer this question, we must first get a better understanding of the word insane. Webster defines insane as exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind. A person can be affected with insanity or criminally insane. It is important to understand that insanity is a legal term, not a medical or psychological one. The law defines insanity as a mental illness of such a severe nature that a person could not tell right from wrong or could not control their behavior.
With this in consideration, let’s examine Hamlet's behavior. Does he know right from wrong? I think he does. He knows that Claudius killed his Father and that it was wrong to do so. Can he control is behavior? Yes. While Hamlet does act impulsively at times, he shows us that he is able to control his behavior when he wants to. An example of this is in act 3, scene 1, page 3 when he carefully weighs out the pros and cons to suicide. “To be or not to be: that is the question: whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or take to arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?” I believe it is more likely that Hamlet was a psychopath/sociopath …show more content…

This makes it difficult for them to have good relationships. Hamlet is critical and abusive of people, even those he claims to love. He was disrespectful and mean to his mother. His relationship with Ophelia was unstable and emotionally abusive. He tells her he loves her one moment and then cruelly accuses her of being unfaithful and calls her horrible names the next. An example of this can be seen in act 3, scene 1, page 5 “Ay, truly, for the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness. This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it proof. I did love you

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