Examples Of Indecency In Fifty Shades Of Grey

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Indecency in Fifty Shades of Grey Film My personal definition of indecency is inappropriate acts or language to a certain degree of offensive behavior that can make someone feel uncomfortable. In short, anything I would not want my child to view I would consider inappropriate and indecent. Indecency can range from the exposure of skin based on clothing, such as lingerie, to the utterance of certain words like “fuck” or “cunt”. This definition suits what the film, Fifty Shades of Grey represents in terms of sex and promotion of violence. In the movie, Fifty Shades of Grey, the focus is based on the strange relationship of a powerful business mogul named Christian Grey and a young, innocent looking woman named Anastasia Steele. In the beginning, it is made clear that Ana is not a sexual person and a virgin before meeting Grey who is a lot darker than meets the eye. Grey partakes in a type of sexual intercourse known as BDSM which stands for Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism, where he is the dominant in seek of a submissive partner with a no feelings attached mentality, in this case being the inexperienced Ana. The representation of a relationship in which the …show more content…

Grey’s persona is based on the fact that he inflicts forceful pain onto women and they will eventually like it. However, in many instances throughout the film, Ana voices her sadness, reservations, and rejection of enduring the physical pain during intercourse which raises the question of rape. Subjecting a person to being hit, choked, burned, and tied up is supposed to demonstrate a particular form of erotica to the audience, however to many, can be viewed as torture. This type of on screen representation is saying that as a woman, being physically hurt, particularly during intercourse, is acceptable and

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