Examples Of Humane In Frankenstein

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In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Victor Frankenstein a student that attended the University of Ingolstadt has an obsession about creating life, after Victors mother died he was extremely upset, and he wanted to find a way to bring life back from the dead and ultimately plays god. Throughout the novel Victor was terrified of the creature physicals appearance and regrets that he ever created the creature. Throughout the book the creature has done some humane and some non-humane things, but at the end of the story the creature felt remorse for everything he has done when victor dies. The creature is considered a human being based of his intelligent and emotions. The monster is able to think and learn from others. He knows what he is …show more content…

He feels humane feelings such as rage, hatred, and sorrow towards the situation and his father. Being in the monster’s shoes you soon become sorry for him but he still knows what he is doing his serial killings are because of his father but the monster used Victor Frankenstein as an excuse to kill his family. He wants to have a wife of his own from Victor and is going to go through any limits to get what he wants. Victor is the real monster in this game he created for him and the creation first he neglects the monster and makes him out to be something that cannot exist on earth. Also He forgets that everything happened forgetting he even mad the project possible for he was the reason everything happened to his family. It is his fault for the deaths of his family and he seizes to understand that it was really his …show more content…

Victor’s curiosity led him to create something unnatural to the world his passion for the world unknown created something that would be uncertain. It was not the creatures fault about being made he does not know what is wrong. But his actions have been perceived as horrid and now learning from everything that he has done he is responsible for the actions that he done. In the article “Who is the real monster” it states that, in most people’s mind today, there seems to be no question who the monster is in Frankenstein. It is the creature that Frankenstein has created, that has already murdered an innocent kid. However, looking beyond the outer appearance of the monster, it seems evident that what he began as was not a monster. Instead it was the extreme misconceptions of humans, resulting in extreme isolation of the creature that caused him to become a monster. The

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