Examples Of Heroism In Fahrenheit 451

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In the book Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag has a lot of conflict that surrounds him and his life. With these conflicts comes change for Guy or the way he lives his life,this is because every conflict is intense enough to make him open his eyes to the world or maybe even try something new. These conflicts will set him on the track to become the hero that he becomes towards the end of the book since in the beginning of the book he didn’t have a lot of heroic traits that showed themselves. First, Guy’s step into heroism occurred when he met first met Clarisse. Her way of thinking and view on life was so much more different than those of other kids or anyone he had ever met. Clarisse was different from the moment she was introduced, her description ,shown on page 3, described her as a girl who is ¨slender and milk-white¨ which is already incredibly different from any normal depiction of a teenager. When her and Montag have their conversation, she isn't like other kids, she seems fearless in the sense that she said things that she shouldn’t of said because a normal fireman would …show more content…

The men who were there to help Mildred are described on page 12 and don't seem to be fazed at all, since one of them are even smoking while switching her fluids. The fact that the men aren’t fazed by this at all, makes more sense when one of them says “We get these cases nine or ten a night.”on page 13, seeing this so often is horrible but they have blocked it out because it would most likely be too much to deal with if they just did it every night and was sad about every time they had to go and do it. The morning after these events, Mildred denys even having thoughts like this so Guy gets frustrated and leaves it alone. This would widen his eyes to what was going on in his

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