Examples Of Growing Up In Araby

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Araby by James Joyce, is about a short story about this young boy who lives in Ireland who gets attracted to his friends Mangan's sister, a girl who lives across the street who he eventually gets obsessed with. He starts thinking about her all the time to the point where he does not pay attention to school or any of his responsibilities. The boy and the girl only talked once and the girl asked the boy if his going to the bazaar, and for him to buy her a gift. At the end of the novel he realizes that he does not like her and he does not buy her a gift and he starts to cry. People all over the world thinks different things about growing up it could be as short as going out and drinking to being 18 or being mature or having a house, many of those things can define as being grown-up, it all depends on the person and how they put it. One of the aspects of being a grown-up is that you are mature, which the boy had not shown throughout the short story and proves that he is very sophomoric. An example that the boy shows in the story which is not mature at all is that he gets all obsessed over the girl, even though they've only talk once to the point where he agrees to buy her a gift at the bazaar and listens to what she says, this is a sophomoric act. Being grown up comes with experiences and wisdom. The boy isn't …show more content…

The short story shows the boy growing up with a sense, compared how he was in the beginning of the story and how he was in the end. In a way he did grow up to the point where he realizes that girl doesn't like him. He cries about how stupid he was and from that he grew up, matured, and also learned from the experience that grown-ups do have and became wiser through this

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