Examples Of Foreshadowing In Macbeth

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Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's’ best tragedies, it captures the attention of the reader start to finish and uses several different literary devices. One of the most impactful literary elements found in Macbeth is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing gives the audience a hint of what is to come without completely giving away the event, engaging the reader and getting them wondering what will will happen later on in the book.
One example of foreshadowing is in, Act I Scene III, when the witches are talking to Macbeth, "All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!" The Witches call macbeth king even though he is not one, which hints that Macbeth might

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