Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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Task 1a No. 1 The language device that shines through the most is the use of logos at the end of the text. “The New School for Social Research in New York proved that reading literature improves empathy.” The author tries to get his/her message across by bringing up the results of a study done on the matter. Furthermore, it can also be argued that she uses pathos when describing how great it is to read. “Something special happens when you set aside the inane distractions of modern culture and immerse yourself in a book.”Speaking so fondly of reading and being so positive about it makes us want to pick up a book and start reading. No. 2 Text number two uses a large amount of time to connect with the reader, by convincing the reader that they can make a difference and urges us not to quit just because something is complex. I cannot give a specific quote that uses pathos, but in my opinion the whole text up until the last sentence uses pathos as a language device. It tries to encourage and motivate the reader to go out and do something. The last sentence in the text is; “One of my greatest challenges as a teacher was convincing students that they were smart after someone had told them they were dumb.” This is a good example of ethos. By telling us that she is a teacher it connects with all the text above giving the rest of the text credibility and shows us that she knows what she is doing. …show more content…

3 In my opinion in this text the author uses ethos. “This may seem like a non sequitur, but I’m convinced consumer culture and idiot culture are closely linked.” She talks negatively about the consumer culture and leaves the reader not wanting anything to do with

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