Examples Of Curfew In The Outsiders

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In the Outsiders, the minors do not have a public curfew, but personally unlike some, I think it would have helped them. This would have made them avoid problems, and to keep them safe. This could have stopped some of the fighting between characters such as Pony and Darry. I will give some examples of the good and the bad. If they had a public curfew, most of them couldn’t get jumped. If they don’t however, they can have freedom, like in the book as of now. “Yet his dark eyes were still laughing and carefree and reckless.” Even after being beat up and such, they still fought. However, if they had a curfew, they would be able to avoid gangs, such as the Socs. “I was sleepy and freezing to death and I wanted to be home in bed, safe and warm under the covers with Soda's arm across me.” Pony wouldn’t have gotten in this situation if he had a curfew to stop the tension between him and Darry. …show more content…

But, if they didn’t have the curfew, the book would play out how it was. “I turned and ran out the door and down the street as fast as I could. Darry screamed, "Pony, I didn't mean to!" The book would’ve played out how we all wanted to, and it would have kept the book we all enjoyed. On the contrary, if they had the public curfew, even if the book played out how we would’ve enjoyed it to, having the curfew would’ve kept them safe. “I wished desperately that Darry and Soda would come along hunting for me.” Most of the gang wouldn’t have committed crimes, and Ponyboy wouldn’t be stuck in his current situation, he’d be home comfortable with his

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