Examples Of Bad Leaders In Macbeth

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Leaders. There are many leaders around the world: political leaders, group leaders, house leaders, etc. Leaders are people who guide and command a group of people. There are many examples good leaders like Justin Trudeau. And bad leaders who can be seen as evil by the entire world, such as Kim Jong Un; but they themselves believe that doing the right thing and vice versa. All leaders have a people who blindly support them no matter the reality of their mistakes. In The play, Macbeth, William Shakespeare, enlightens a leader who is cruel and incapable of being the king. The fall of Macbeth can also be as a result of the few supporting his actions during his reign as King. Macbeth's miserable reign stems from his guilt, the inadequacy he felt …show more content…

However, Lady Macbeth looks at him and opens a flood of insults starting with “ and live a coward in thine own esteem” stating that Macbeth is a coward for not getting what he wants because he feels it's wrong. Then she mentioned, “Like the poor cat I' the' adage” relating to a story about a cat who would want to eat fish but doesn't want to get its feet wet. After these comments, Macbeth sides with Lady Macbeth and is willing to get his feet wet to gain the throne (eat the fish). This portrays Macbeth as an easily influenced and a foolish person as we see him not listening to his gut, but what others say. We can also see when Macbeth starts to blame other people for the problems he's having. The hallucinations that Macbeth is having is entirely his own fault, but he still blames it on other people. For example, in this …show more content…

Almost afraid to know itself. It cannot Be called our mother, but our grave, where nothing, But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile; Where sighs and groans and shrieks that rend the air Are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seems A modern ecstasy. The dead man’s knell Is there scarce asked for who, and good men’s lives Expire before the flowers in their caps, Dying or ere they sicken. (Shakespeare 4.3.168-176) In this section the audience can get that Scotland has fallen into unnatural circumstances. “But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile” Ross explains that the only person that's proud of Scotland is the cruel Macbeth who is so ignorant and cruel that he can not see that what he has done is wrong. In the passage Ross also describes Scotland as, their place of death and where violence sorrows which proves that Macbeth was a tyrant leader who no one supported of their free will and had to be

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