Example Of Apology Research Paper

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Apology is a big word that many people are used to hear that one word. Most of these people in this society see thing different. Apology is a simple word. When I was about the age of 16 is disrespected my father. I didn't really mean to hurt his feelings, but it happened. I love my dad so much, he always been there for me. Correctly, I was always with my dad up and down. I was a daddy girl. He used top give me anything I wanted. Actually when my big brother came to the island to visit for a couple weeks . My dad started to change with me, and I was feeling left out. In every activity that my dad did, he always used to look for me. I ask my mom that why my dad is forgetting about me. So, my mom said that I am going to change with him and that I regret being his daughter because I felt like he didn't love me. My mom told me to don't worry …show more content…

Apologies are very difficult to make, but we need to get it over with and move on. Sometimes, you just have to think before you speak to adults. I learn my lesson being rude and selfish is not going to let you go nowhere. Finally my dad told me if I wanted to go fishing with him and my brother. So, I happily got up huge my dad and said yes dad I want to go, I went in my room got dressed and we went on our way to the beach to fish and have a nice time together. My brother told me that he understands me because I am always with my handsome dad. So when it was time to carry my brother to the airport, I was crying and feelings so sad. I did not wanted my brother to leave because I felt that we had a great bond between us three. We used to go fishing, swimming, or bike riding, movies, and so many more things. So when my brother left he told me that he is coming back as soon as he has a vacation, he'll be right back. maybe, he said he might stay to live with us. So, I was the happiest girl in the world, and I learn that apologies are not that hard to

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