Evolution In Public Schools

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The teaching of evolution in schools has been a huge controversy in classrooms throughout the country. Conflicts with previous beliefs and new ideas clash regularly across America, and the theory of evolution is not exempt from the turmoil. Because of this, the curriculum has been halted in many classrooms and has therefore been brought to the attention of many. The two sides to this debate, those for and those opposed, have reasons and explanations to support their views.
There are two sides to this debate: those who are opposed to the teaching, and those who think it should be taught. The side who is opposed to the teaching of evolution in schools use arguments like “evolution is not an exact science and shouldn’t be treated as one.” Others use excerpt from the bible saying that “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them,” (from the NIV bible, …show more content…

It was brought together to change how evolution and the origin of life would be taught public high school classes. The hearing raised issues of creation and evolution being taught in schools. The board approved new, science standards for public schools that treat both evolution and climate change as key concepts to be taught .
A study done in the Institute Creation Research reported 5.2% of people wanted evolution to be taught, while only 18.9% wanted creation to be. On the other hand, only 64% of people wanted creation and evolution to be taught and 11% of people didn’t want evolution or creation to be taught. While this data is limited, it provides a good sample of what adults feel is fair and proper for public schools. This study was written by Richard Bliss in his article “A Comparison of Students Studying the Origin of Life from a Two-Model Approach Vs. Those Studying from a Single-Model

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