Everyday Use Literary Analysis Essay

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Everyday Use Literary Analysis Imagine your daughter coming to visit you again after a long, long time away. Soon after she comes, she leaves, fuming and furious at you. In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, this is exactly what happens. After being away for a while, Dee (recently wishing to be called ´Wangero´) comes back to visit her mother, Mama, and her rather tame sister, Maggie. After meeting again and having some small talk, Dee remarks on how amazing the familial quilts which Mama had gotten from her Grandma are. Mama and Dee have a little bit of a conflict after this, which results in Dee storming out of the house in anger. Through characterization, conflict, and symbolism, the author suggests that heritage is to be respected, but not worshipped, and if it can be useful in some way then you should use it. Walker conveys the theme of respecting the quilts by using the characterization of Mama and Dee and the symbolism of the quilts. Dee (Wangero) had just found the quilt and is appreciating it with Mama. ¨...said Wangero. ´These are all pieces of dresses Grandma used to wear. She did all this stitching by hand. Imag´ ine!´ … ´Some of the pieces, like those lavender ones, come from old clothes her mother handed down to her´, I said.¨ (7). Mama and Dee both are observing the quilts, …show more content…

After an argument with Dee (Miss Wangero) about who should get the quilt, Mama finally makes her decision. “I did something I never done before: hugged Maggie to me, then dragged her on into the room, snatched the quilts out of Miss Wangero’s hands and dumped them into Maggie’s lap” (8). Mama, the head of the family and the protagonist, chose Maggie over Dee. She decided that she should use what she can, even if it is part of your heritage and is respected. This can be interpreted to mean that we should do the same; to make the most of what we

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