Everyday Angel: New Beginnings Summary

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Everyday Angel: New Beginnings tells the story of Gabby Torres and her struggle in finding who she is.
Everyday Angel: New Beginnings takes place in a small city that Gabby has just moved to. Gabby lives in a tiny apartment and goes to Grande Heights Middle School. The hospital where Marco stays at has these gray steps that make everyone feel gloomy.
The main character in this story is Gabby Torres, a regular girl who yearns to be noticed. Gabby is 12 and has a sick brother named Marco. She is a great singer and is very kind. She also is very understanding of her brother’s needs. Like on page 39 when Gabby’s mom was going to help Gabby get ready for her first day of school, but Marco needed her at the hospital so she couldn’t. Also, Gabby is a very talented singer and gets to perform a solo in her school voice recital on page 195. Gabby is very kind and always thinks of others first. For example, on page 76, she saves a cupcake for her brother. A small gesture, but to Marco, it means so much more. …show more content…

It starts when Aria is sent to help Gabby. Gabby must move to a new school so her brother can have surgery. She feels so unimportant and that her problems are so small compared to Marco’s. Then, Gabby tries out for 4 different clubs before finding one that fits her: choir. At choir, she makes two new friends named Charlotte and Sam. She also turns out to be awesome at singing and gets a solo in the recital. Then, suddenly, Marco gets even worse and has to go into surgery immediately. During the surgery, Gabby’s mom finally realizes that she needs to listen to Gabby, and Gabby has been wanting to be heard since forever.Marco’s surgery was successful and Gabby found her voice. Finally, Aria knew it was time to go. Her work with Gabby was

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