Evangelista Torricelli Research Paper

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Every time people turn on the TV or iPhone and listen to a meteorologist forecast rain, snow or sun, one man born over 400 years ago is responsible for the science of predicting the weather and even the birth of meteorology. His name is Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian scientist and mathematician. In 1643, he invented perhaps one of the most important devices in predicting weather: the barometer. This instrument measures atmospheric pressure, and is used in forecasting the weather and determining altitude. In general, when the barometer falls in response to a drop in pressure, bad weather is approaching; when the barometer rises because of an increase in pressure, good weather will follow. Torricelli was born on October 15, 1608 in Faenza, Italy and very little is known of his early life. His education was …show more content…

Due to his brilliance as a physicist and mathematician he was sent to Rome at the age of twenty to study under Benedetto Castelli who was a student of Galileo. He spent the next ten years studying. In 1641 Torricelli wrote De motu gravium, in which he developed some of Galileo ideas on projectile motion. He experimentally verified many new conclusions and stated what is today known as Torricelli's law--a rigid system of bodies can move spontaneously on Earth's surface only if its center of gravity descends. Useful theorems of external ballistics followed, as well as artillery firing tables. He also propounded a fundamental hydrodynamic theorem that bears his name--the efflux velocity of a jet of liquid exiting a small orifice equals the velocity of a single drop of liquid falling freely in a vacuum from the same height as the liquid level at the orifice. He was introduced to Galileo through Castelli who showed Galileo his work. This was also a period in history when scientific discoveries clashed with

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