Evaluation of the Principle of Ahimsa is Hinduism’s Greatest Gift to the World

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Evaluation of the Principle of Ahimsa is Hinduism’s Greatest Gift to the World

Many people, especially Hindus agree with the statement that the key

principle of ahimsa in Hinduism is the greatest gift that the religion

has to offer to the rest of the world.

Ahimsa translates as ‘non-violence’ or ‘non-injury’ and is quite an

ancient theory as it is described in the Vedas. These four holy books

contain a teaching reading “Do not kill any living being”. Hindu

teaching illustrates that all living things contain Brahman and they

all also have an atman. So if a violent action is done by a Hindu on a

living creature then he is also harming the atman containing Brahman

leading to him gaining bad karma. Ahimsa also plays a key role in

Hindu ethics whereby decisions about fighting wars, abortion,

contraception and euthanasia are accounted for by the teaching and

many Hindus are vegetarian because of their belief in ahimsa. Hindus

also use this principle in the protection of cows because of non

–violence as well as heir sacredness and economic value. The concept

of ahimsa is taken to its extremes in Jainism. Jains choose their

occupation on the principle of ahimsa and are strictly vegetarian

because of it. Also, Jain monks are very ascetic so they wear

facemasks to try to not kill airborne organisms such as bacteria.

Gandhi also used this principle to gain independence for India from

the British as he used non-violent protest and the theory of no

retaliation as positive love for everybody and to persuade the British

to give India back to the Indians. He was so dedicated this view that

when some protesters did resort to violence, he fasted to a point

where he was nearly dead. Therefore he believed that the principle of

ahimsa was the only way the world could move forwards.

The principle of Ahimsa has been very influential to some of the

world’s most famous campaigners against different issues around the

world. This is due mostly to the profound inspiration Gandhi was to

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