Evaluation of a live Production Blood Brothers

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Evaluation of a live Production Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers was written by Willy Russell, It was first performed

at the Liverpool Playhouse in January 1983. It is a musical / comedy

drama set in Liverpool in the 1980’s. We went to see it at the Phoenix


When we were on our way to see the production I was quite excited and

was looking forward to it very much as I had been told by some pupils

at my school it was very good. When we arrived at the theatre and sat

down in our seats the stage and layout looked very big. There seemed

to be a lot of space for the actors to perform on.

The play takes place in Liverpool, it is based on two twins who are

separated at birth, as the mother cannot afford to keep them both. One

of the twins is given away to a very wealthy family and the other

stays with its real mother, who is ‘working class’. The two brothers

meet when they are young, without realising they are twins, and become

best friends. They grow up together but gradually class and the

difference in the way they were raised comes between them, ending in

both ...

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