European Imperialism In Africa Essay

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There’s many speculations on the reasoning for the Imperialism of Africa by many European countries, which started in 1870, when roughly 10% of Africa was under European control, it quickly got out of hand as countries all over Europe began seizing land in Africa. The scramble for African colonies ended up in the Berlin Conference in 1884 and 1885, where European countries met together to formally divide up Africa. Because of how little time Europe wasted taking over Africa, the biggest question that arises is why? What were the driving forces behind European Imperialism in Africa? Although it’s debated by many that the biggest reasons had to do with the technology that Africa had to offer, as well as the economical resources it allowed Europe, …show more content…

A French woman can be seen coming down as the Africans around her were amazed. In France, as well as many other European countries, women were seen as the caretaker, it can also be seen like that as she has no weapon, only a cornucopia which is overflowing with riches. The image can be used to ensure that many Europeans didn’t come to harm Africans, but bring civilization to those in need, like a mother, to guide and teach them of their religious and beneficial ways. On the more selfish side, one of the reasoning's for Europeans scrambling to claim African territory so quickly was because of the political pressure and benefits that came from receiving the land. As seen in document A, there presents a map of Africa towards 1914. Because it is such a large piece of land, and so many lived there, it was more than ideal for European countries with enemies that were taking over colonies, to get at larger pieces before their foes could. A statesman of Germany once told a German official, “All this colonial business is a sham, but we need it for the elections.” Saying that even though there were some who believed that there weren’t many benefits of taking over African colonies, it was necessary to look good for the upcoming elections, and to stay ahead of their

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