Eulogy For Father

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First let me tell you just how proud I was to be asked to write a letter to you on this special occasion. As you know, and have heard so many times, your mother is more like my daughter and therefore, by extension, I look at you as my grandson, you have a special place in my heart— right where you belong. Sometimes I think about you as a toddler full of energy. Then about the boy who would stand back and observe, looking out at all the possibilities. Through the years I have watched you grow with amazing grace, love, charm, wit, and a truly unique and admirable personality. When you have ventured off with Jared, you have been a role model for him, showing him how someone should act and how they should treat others. I have a picture of you with a smiling child sitting in your lap, which was taken on one of these mission trips. When I see the smile not only on your face, but also the little boy, I cannot help but be proud of you for your grace and love which you gave this child so freely. Know, you have changed that boy’s life, perhaps only briefly, but each little change in the world adds up. If everyone took a moment, think where everyone would be. You have been a wonderful influence on Jared and for that alone I am thankful. Just when I think you can no longer surprise me, you again do something wonderful. …show more content…

Because having you in our lives is truly a reason to be thankful. Some people make you smile whenever you think of them, make your day whenever you talk to them, and just make you thankful you are close. The best gift is knowing, we'll always be connected by

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