Ethos Pathos Logos

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After considering the information in this week’s instructor guidance and readings, I understand ethos, pathos, and egos to be…Ethos (ethics) is convincing someone of the character or the credibility of the writer in order to engage an audience on a particular topic such as myself presenting the information ( i.e. African American and Homeschooling). Next, pathos (emotion) is a held beliefs or way of convincing an audience of the argument to draw emotion into the subject matter. Lastly, logos (logic) is a way of persuading an audience with claims, evidence, and facts to support the subject matter in an argument to an audience. Revised Thesis Statement: • African American parents’ should educate their children at home rather than to attend to traditional school because of the poor quality of education, …show more content…

A collection of statements edited by Llewellyn (1996) of 15 African American homeschooling families, mentions that some of them “are tired of the racist, sexists propaganda that masquerades as truth in history textbooks”(p.15) Claim #2: • It is not surprising that racism plays a significant role in the decision of African American parents to homeschool their own children. Especially, when traditional schools institution displays their racism through their own White teachers’ negative attitudes and behaviors toward Black children, then disproportionate placement of Black children into special education classes, and disproportionate number of African American children targeted for punishment in schools. • Counterargument & Rebuttal: • Widespread White teachers’ in the traditional school's institution have denied being racist, insisting instead that they are “colorblind”. In other words, these teachers do not see color but see only the individual child they are teaching. • Few ideas I would share for my rebuttal against this counterargument is racist mental attitude and racist stereotypes towards African

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