Ethos In Rikita Tyson

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Rikita Tyson effectively ethos in her argument. Ethos is all about credibility and if the author is a reliable source of information. In her post, Tyson wrote “(If you’re curious, the Pelican edition notes on page 22, “the adage says, ‘The cat would eat fish but will not wet her feet.’”)”(Tyson). She provides both the section and the page number of No Fear Shakespeare of where she found her information, which proves her to be a credible source. When Tyson provided some passages from the play Macbeth she input “(1.7.31-45)”(Tyson). Her input of the lines to find the passage she pulled from Macbeth shows that she is a credible source. The quotations also reveals that ethos is provided in her blog post.

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