Ethics of the Ford's Pinto and The Value of Life

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Ethics of the Ford's Pinto and The Value of Life Ford did not approach the question of redesigning the gas tank to make the car safer versus waiting another year allowing the foreign market to dominate subcompacts. First their goal to maximize profits was their only priority. They did not consider the stakeholders involved and when they did come into consideration, they were analyzed against profits. One has nothing to do with the other. Their goal should not have been a race to make the most affordable subcompact car. Their focus should have been to make the most affordable but safest subcompact. They were aware of the dangers associated with the rush production from the crash tests, whereas, only three cars passed because they had gas tank modifications. Ford had a social and ethical responsibility to their customers to stop production once the danger were apparent and take the necessary measures to eliminate them by redesigning the gas tank. There shouldn't have been an option to proceed. Their analysis of expected costs and social benefits was a cheap attempt to justify or ...

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