Ethical Issues In The Stanford Prison Experiment By Zimbardo

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After watching the video on the Stanford Prison Experiment, there are substantial amounts of ethical concerns that are seen with the way this study was conducted from beginning to the very end. The first ethical issue perceived to be one of the leading concern in this experiment which was that this experiment overall was gone too far there wasn’t appropriate control or limitation made to this experiment, I think this was mainly was because of the role Zimbardo played in the experiment being an administrator of the prison as well as the doctor who was conducting the study and cause of this he didn’t know where to stop and end his experiment when it was going too far because he became a part of the study. This study was immoral from the beginning …show more content…

Guards were told they couldn't physically hurt the participating prisoners however they utilized mental traps for the prisoners to tune in and comply the guards. The guards knew this was just an experiment, but even when the guards started to become abusive to the prisoners, the experiment was not stopped or even looked upon with a second look. There should have been set boundaries and limits on what the guards could and could not do, but there was essentially none and the prisoners had to endure more than what they should have been allowed and as a result suffered negative outcomes due to …show more content…

As the prisoners were distressed throughout the movie, to the point where the doctors thought this study should stop because it was going too far. The activities that occurred were exceptionally improper, for example, giving food and other nourishment, and influencing it to appear like the participants were being dealt very well with when the prisoner’s families came to visit. Which also raise another point, that if the experiment need to me changed around so partner and outside don’t think it’s that bad that should have been a good sense to when this study became ethical and needed to be stopped, as the objective of the experiment need to be tweaked around and thought about. As really participating innocent individuals were tormented with no advantage to themselves or the study really because to me it didn't seem to be work $15 anymore. The moves that made place amid this investigation are of moral concern with respect to the moral standard of

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