Ethical Dilemmas In The Laura Nash Model

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I have encountered many ethical dilemmas throughout my life and recently a dilemma had appeared. It happened at the job I use to work at about a couple of months back. I was in a very awkward position when a very wonderful friend of mine received a huge promotion. She was promoted to be the overall boss and the person that most wanted to obtain the job didn’t. I was in a position where I could take advantage and benefit from her being promoted. It crossed my mind a couple of times before she took the promotion. There were other co-workers who were pulling for the other person due to them wanting to take advantage, mostly workplace politics. Though I had every opportunity to take advantage of her promotion I ended up not doing anything. In …show more content…

It felt embarrassing to even be in this situation. I never like to be unethical nor take advantage of someone. I used Warren Buffets Front of the newspaper test in a way where I imagined to myself what would my father, mother, and brother, what would they think, or say, if they saw me take advantage of a person for personal gain. Just thinking about that gave me a sense of embarrassment. That’s not the way my family taught me to act nor was it the way I was brought up. Since I felt this wave of shame and embarrassment, I knew I couldn’t go through this. The Laura Nash model also came into play where I put myself in my friend’s shoes. Thinking to myself what If she found out that I was taking advantage of her for personal gain she would be hurt. Thinking about that I couldn’t do that to a person that cared about me, I couldn’t be a heartless person. At the time I didn’t even know that these models even existed, to test if a situation is ethical or unethical but I still ended up using these models. Looking back on it now these ethical models work and allow a person to undoubtedly look at those you affect with the decisions you

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