Ethan Johnson Teague Analysis

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Teague 1 The Life Of Ethan Johnson Ethan Johnson lives a unique life. He enjoys family, hobbies, and setting the right goals. From being an extreme gamer to wanting to travel the world, Ethan lives his life the way he wants to live. When it comes to hobbies, Ethan has many of them. He enjoys punting footballs, while also kicking field goals. Ethan also likes playing Xbox games such as Minecraft, and Rocket league. Also, when Clint Dempsey and the Seattle Sounders are playing, Ethan will be watching. Family is a big priority in Ethan's life. Cindy Johnson, his mother, has been by his side his whole life. Raising Ethan as a single mother must have been a challenge. His father, Craig Johnson, has always been in Ethan's life as well, the

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