Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Essay

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Michal Gondry’s film Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind dives into the power and importance of memories during the course of a person’s life. Whether these memories turn out to be good or bad, you are shaped by your surroundings and through your previous experiences. As Joel, who is masterfully played by Jim Carrey, rises disheveled out of his bed, you expect him to put on his clothes, go to work, and have a day just like any other. Yet, this scene is the beginning of a rollercoaster ride. While standing on the platform waiting for his train, Joel spontaneously calls out of work, runs to a different train, and ends up on the beach in Montauk. While trying to escape the troubles of his daily life, Joel is sitting on the beach and comes across …show more content…

These services allow Clementine to erase her memories of Joel as she attempts to completely forget about their experiences and love for each other. At this point, you may think Leonardo DiCaprio should have let Kate Winslet fall into the icy Atlantic while the Titanic sunk to it’s doom so poor Joel didn’t have to go through his heartbreak. As Joel begins to recognize that he is a figure of the past in Clementine’s life, he decides to undergo the operation and erase his memories of Clementine. The viewer is then transported into the mind of Joel, where the memories are being played back and subsequently destroyed and erased. As the viewer, there will be heaps of confusion and ambiguity, but if you stick with the movie, everything will play out in the end. The uniqueness and charm of the ending cannot be spoiled, it simply must be …show more content…

For the purpose of this movie, a memory is seen as a tangible object which can be wiped away, thrown out of the window, and erased like it simply never happened. To put it into terms, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind purely blew my mind. Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, and even Elijah Wood entered the facets of my mind and made me think, what if this could actually happen? How would everything play out in the end? A serious Jim Carrey delivers a great role as Joel Barish, fluctuating from his previous roles in movies such as Dumb and Dumber or Bruce Almighty. The weirdness, seriousness, and obscurity Jim Carrey displays as the character Joel contributes to the greatness of this film. From his drawings on the beach to the memory of his toddler days, Joel is unlike any character in a movie that I have ever experienced. Joel brings energy, intrigue, and a dynamic personality to the

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