Estrogen Research Paper

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How to Reduce the Toxic Load of Estrogen
Decreasing the level of estrogen in your body will help you get rid of excess body fat. This will also minimize the cancer risk. Estrogen is not a problem for men, high levels of estrogen also brings negative effects in women. In our daily lives, we are exposed to different chemicals and this plays a significant role in enhancing its level. Many people are not aware that chemical estrogen is found in cosmetics, shampoo plastic products, pesticides and other personal care products.
Environment is not solely responsible for causing the negative effects of estrogen on our body. The metabolism of estrogen is directly responsible to increase the risk of prostate and …show more content…

Researchers believe that exposure to certain chemicals enhances the cancer risk. For detailed information on the subject, visit
The amount of estrogen required by men to perform body functions is very low. Men increase estrogen level in their body because of two reasons. First, is due to an enzyme, which is called aromatase and it is found in body tissues. This is responsible to change testosterone into estrogen. The other reason is higher body fat, this lowers testosterone and increases estrogen levels.
The only solution is to change your lifestyle in two ways. One is to eliminate the estrogen from your body and the second is to minimize its exposure.
Improves gastrointestinal health
If you have weak gastrointestinal health, then it will inhibit the excavation of excess estrogen from your body. If it will not go out from your body and stays there, then the chances of reabsorption increase. Increase the intake of dietary fiber; this will reduce the enzyme B- glucouronidase. This enzyme breaks the estrogen and your body cannot excrete it

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