Essay On Wealth Inequality

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In today’s society there is no argument that wealth comes very easy to some and then others work exhausting hours for little to nothing. Money is a necessity in everybody’s daily lives. While some may say that the wealth inequality is outrageous in America I believe that it rarely affects us in a negative manner out of our daily lives. Most Americans only socialize in their social class and compete within that class. Very rarely do we see that a lower class citizen is sitting with the top 1% billionaires. I believe that Americans have nothing to worry about when it comes to wealth inequality because it doesn’t affect our happiness and our relationships in our lives. Lisa Keister a professor of sociology at Duke University states in her article …show more content…

Wealth comes with lifestyle changes. People go into different lifestyle classes and make new friendships and lose contact with their old lifestyles. Most people in the middle class are happy with a roof over their head and the perks of internet and TV. Tyler Cowen a professor at George Mason University writes in The New York Times “In terms of income, the gap between rich and middle class is growing, but in terms of happiness it is relatively low by broader historical standards.” At the end of the day happiness is the key to a successful life. Without happiness most successful people wouldn’t have strived to get where they are today. If anything in America within the wealth inequality category we should be looking at inequality within income between Men and Women. Out of the top 1% most are men meaning that women are not getting the same opportunities as men. As a young woman I believe this issue is a stronger inequality then the gap between the 1% and the middle class. Americans need to look at the inequality between the two sexes before looking at the money aspect of

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