Essay On Vitamin B12

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Vitamin B12 Blog Staying healthy is a gift that you can give to yourself. In addition to eating those foods that fuel your body with good nutrients and being active, you need the right amount of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. One of those important vitamins is B12. The more you know about B12, you more you’ll understand why you need this supplement. So, let’s find out what B12 is, how B12 works in your body, how too little B12 can harm your body, what foods have lots of B12, what are the benefits of B12, and if there are any side effects from too much B12 or any interaction with medicines or other supplements. What is Vitamin B12? B12 is one of the 8 vitamins in the B family. It is a part of the make-up of every cell in …show more content…

Your DNA is what lets you look like your parents or grandparents. Your digestion system works smoothly with a good supply of B12 released from the protein you ate by the acid in your stomach. This process then lets the vitamin get into your bloodstream where it will help your body make healthy blood cells, nerves, and an immune system, plus it helps support your brain’s thinking and memory functions. This powerful vitamin supplies the body with a level of energy that lets you perform your daily routines without feeling exhausted. B12 is a water soluble vitamin, which means that what your body does not absorb, it will be released through your urine. The good news is that your liver can store enough B12 to last for several years without any risk of …show more content…

Being able to get and keep a daily recommended level of B12 within your body will help your digestive system, help you stay alert, and help you avoid becoming stressed, extremely tired, or depressed. B12 works in the brain by supporting your thought processes and by helping you maintain normal memory functions. This important vitamin works to help regulate your red and white blood cells, your immune system, and your nervous system. This vitamin is a big heart helper by working to improve healthy cholesterol levels and to reduce high blood pressure problems. Because B12 is a part of every human cell, it supports the normal renewal of your skin, nails, and hair. When eaten on a daily basis, B12 may help provide protection against some forms of cancer in the colon, prostate, and

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