Essay On Undocumented Immigrants

608 Words2 Pages

As of 2011, there are over 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States (5.1). This leads to the question, should undocumented immigrants be granted amnesty? Amnesty refers to granting an official pardon to those who have broken the law. Giving amnesty to undocumented immigrants would mean forgiving them for the crimes they have committed and entering the U.S illegally. Millions of undocumented immigrants have come to America looking for a job or education, freedom, and etc. Many undocumented immigrants are contributing to the society, paying taxes and doing jobs most native-born citizens do not want. While, some may support giving amnesty to undocumented citizens, others would want these hardworking, undocumented immigrants deported from the country. All in all, granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants would boost the economy, but if the government were to deport these unauthorized immigrants, it would damage the …show more content…

According to the Congressional Budget Office, “giving the current illegals a path to citizenship would increase the taxes they pay by 48 billion and increase the cost of public services they use by $23 billion, thereby producing a surplus 25 billion” (Brooks). If the government were to grant amnesty, give undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship, and let them pay taxes, the government would essentially be allowing the undocumented immigrants to fund American citizens services. Immigrants are “ more likely to earn patents. A quarter of new high-tech companies with more than $1 million in sales were founded by foreign-born” (Brooks). This shows that foreign-born immigrants are boasting the nation's economy by creating companies and earning a more that one million dollars in sales. Overall, by granting undocumented immigrants amnesty, the government would be boosting the economy because foreign-born immigrants are creating businesses and paying

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