Essay On The Us Influence On American Society During Ww2

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Now a days we heavily rely on the media to tell us the truth about what's going on in the world, as did the people at home during WWII. Although we don't rely on the exact forms or corporations there are some similarities between their messages. The USA heavily influenced our propaganda, our newspapers and our Government Control. During WWII if you just focus on the Warner Brothers cartoons approximately 70% of all of their short animated films were war-related. American movies depict and misrepresented the assumed so that the citizens could laugh at their foe and give support to what their government was doing to stop the assailant. By being able to laugh at their foes it reduced fear and instilled a sense of patriotism that made them to want to fight (H2g2). When Canadians caught on to this fact and saw that there were no repercussions …show more content…

American cartoons always hid different meanings or had subtle undertones to their television shows. For instance cartoons had little hints here and there so that kids watching wouldn’t be fazed by it but guardians or caregivers could hear this meaning and start to reevaluate what they know. American television was simple as long as it made viewers agree with their government on how to handle war and stopped them from asking questions. Joining efforts with hollywood, Canada started to copy the Americans example of changing people's opinions through TV (Steinberg). Not to mention America's control on their news and media, they somehow managed to get journalists to join/sign up for the army so that writes could feel like they had a first person story all while being manipulated on how the see and take things in. Canadian’s felt like they had so much to learn and instead of setting the examples and figuring things out first the choose to follow in the footsteps of the American’s (Family News). Hiding different meanings became something cool when people wanted

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