Essay On The Difference Between Frankenstein Play And Movie

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After attending the Dallas Theater Center's production of Frankenstein written by Nick Dear, I noticed many differences between the production and the novel it was based on. The biggest, and easily the most noticeable difference between the play and the novel for me was that there was no backstory in the play. The production began with the creation of the creature. There was no story of how Victor grew up, and nothing about how he became so educated. Though I am not criticizing the production for its lack of context, because I understand that if they added these scenes the already two-hour production would have easily become a four to five hour one. This may have also been the reason that the character in the novel, Robert Walton, was nowhere to be found in during the …show more content…

As I said before, the play began with the creation of the creature, so there were no letters from Walton, and no exploration to the north pole. Since Walton was not a part of the play, Victor and the creature never actually died. In the last scene of the play, Victor was struggling to follow the creature through the snow and ice and he eventually became unconscious, everyone in the audience thought he died. The creature was holding Victor in his arms telling him that all he wanted was for Victor to love him. Then all of a sudden, almost like the creature brought Victor back to life, Victor responded, and the creature got up and started on the journey once more with hopes that Victor would follow. Another difference that I noticed was the creature's interactions with De Lacey. The creature approached De Lacey right when he found the house in the woods before he could speak at all. De Lacey acted as a mentor for the creature, De Lacey taught him how to speak, how to read, and how to write. The creature first words were, "Piss off! Bugger off!", he was repeating what two men yelled at him. We found out later on in the play that the

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