Essay On The Conch In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a fairly large group of young boys are left stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean after their plane crashes. They have no way of escaping the island so they are forced to establish their own community/civilization on the island. The main conflict in the novel is between Ralph and Jack and this conflict really represents the struggle between a civilized and uncivilized way of living. Ralph believes that the island should be run in a democratic style while Jack wants to be the dictator on the island and wants everyone else to follow him. The conch in the novel is a symbol for order and the democratic ideas on the island. The beast, however, is a symbol the brutality and ideas of evil. …show more content…

It represents the democratic way of living on the island and in some ways reaffirms Ralph’s power. Ralph was elected to be the chief of the island by the boys in a democratic way meaning that more people wanted him to be chief instead of Jack. “ “I tried to get over that hill to see if there was water all around. But your shell called us.” Ralph smiled and held the conch up for silence.”(Pg.23). This quote shows how the conch represents the order in their society. Whenever the conch was blown it meant that someone was calling an assembly. In this way the conch helped the boys stay organized and also established some rules for the island. When the society on the island begins to break down due to Jack and his group of hunters leaving the conch in return loses its power. “ If I blow the conch and they don't come back; then we've had it. We shan't keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued.”(Pg.92). This quote shows how Ralph recognizes the power of the conch and he realizes in he blows the conch and Jack doesn't come back for the assembly then the society on the island will be officially broken since the boys aren't united anymore. The conch really demonstrates how there is good in society even if it’s not always

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