Essay On Success Is The Key To Success

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Success, it can be interpreted in many ways to different people. According to Google success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, for me success is that amazing feeling you obtain when you know you’ve completed something you’ve been working so hard for. Self-esteem is the main key to reaching success and is necessary to even get started on your way to triumph. Self-esteem is important because it develops problem-solving skills, makes someone feel confident enough to do anything, and also because it can make someone feel insecure enough to stop them from succeeding. Self-esteem develops problem-solving and decision-making skills, even for kids. In fact, in the article written and edited by the organization Love Our Children USA, it says, …show more content…

On Love Our Children USA’s article they incorporate, “When a child faces something new and succeeds, their self-esteem grows. If most of the time, they hear, "Yes" or "Try it," their self-esteem grows.” If a child keeps succeeding and keeps receiving compliments they will feel capable of doing anything and will keep trying new things. Another author named Amy Tan added the following quote, “In all of my imaginings I was filled with a sense that I would soon become perfect: My mother and father would adore me. I would be beyond reproach. I would never feel the need to sulk, or to clamor for anything.” in her novel titled “Two Kinds”. The quote shows how in the beginning she had a very high spirit and also high self-esteem because she felt ready to make her parents …show more content…

As a matter of fact, in Amy Tan’s novel “Two Kinds” she states, “I looked in the mirror above the bathroom sink, and I saw only my face staring back - and understood that it would always be this ordinary face - I began to cry.” The little girl felt judged by her mother and even though she was trying her hardest, she put herself down instead of cheering herself up. Guy Winch mentions “Rejection is extremely painful, … We all start thinking of all our faults and all our shortcomings, what we wish we were, what we wish we weren’t. We call ourselves names” on his TED talk titled “How to Practice Emotional First Aid.” Winch meant to say that we, as humans, just lower our own self-esteem when we get rejected and it’s horrible because if we have a psychological injury we aren’t able to keep going on our road to success. During Meaghan Ramsey’s TED talk "Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you" she states the following fact, “17% of women would not show up to a job interview on a day when they weren’t feeling confident about the way that they look.” She then later explains the effects of women not going to an interview because of their insecurities will affect the economy and how if we could overcome this we all could be more

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