Essay On Star Wars And The Executive Branch

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Over the years the power of the President has become substantially stronger as the years have passed. The argument, if the president has too much or little power, is one that much of society will agree or disagree. The executive branch in comparison to Star Wars oddly enough exemplified the structure in today's government. Here in lies the major issue though with how much power the president has. The president has gotten the chance at hand to take way too much power from the other branches of the government which has put a severe threat to the moral of our democratic system. There are multiple reasons as to why the president has too much power, and that will be stated later. In contrast, Star Wars was driven by politics and the distribution …show more content…

In the reading Star Wars and the Executive Branch, it stated: "their intent was to increase the power of the national government so it could address domestic and international crises, efficiently make and enforce laws, and provide sound governance" (Uscinski, 79). In comparison to what the Framers wanted to establish and Star Wars, it exemplified that some of the dangers that came around with "both having too little and having too much executive power" (Uscinski, 79) in the galaxy resulted in some serious issues. As a president, you are only allowed so much power, and the Constitution evidently stated that. For instance, the president is just allowed three powers, and that is expressed, delegated, and inherent. All three of the powers of the president are distributed equally and tied together in some way. Throughout the years the control has just not been quite merely distributed equally. Many presidents almost live their lives as royalty making most of them as successful millionaires with multiple properties around the world. Currently, the America President, Donald J. Trump has taken total advantage of his power. Having the capability to push through executive orders and bills through to other branches of the government such as the congress or senate with little known as Americans is shocking. Additionally, another reason why President Donald Trump is overly compelling is the fact that he has the capabilities to control the start of a war. Did that idea ever cross your mind? Now in comparison to the Emperor in Star Wars the power is just not quite the equivalence. The emperor for the most part is a dictator in a republic whereas a president is the leader of a democracy such as America. Lastly, it seems as if the power of the president and what Donald J. Trump can and cannot do

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