Essay On Sports Medicine

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Sports medicine doctors can be described as, “medical professionals who focus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries relates to athletic activity” (Colucci). Their main focus pertains to bones, joints and muscles.
In order to become a Sports Medicine Physician, a lot of education is required. For the undergrad, 4 years is required in order to obtain a bachelor’s degree. The bachelor’s degree for sports medicine can be a variety of things. Exercise science is a great choice for a bachelor’s degree. According to The University of Kansas, a person needs to have classes in biology, chemistry, physics, and HSES. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree, you must take the MCAT in order to apply to medical school. When it comes to medical school, there are two choices. A D.O. degree, or an M.D. degree can be obtained. It all depends on what kind of education a person is looking for. When interviewed, Dr. Porter who is a D.O. explained, “I am extremely glad that I decided to be a D.O. because the things I learned in D.O. school, like learning how to realign the body to help heal itself, I use every single day in my career. I am thankful that I was able to learn that.” Dr. Porter also explained that the main difference between D.O. school and M.D school was that in D.O. school they learned how to care for …show more content…

The opportunities for advancement are endless when it comes to job opportunities. When asked about job advancements, Dr. Porter replied, “The sky is the limit when it comes to advancements in this field. You can get a job anywhere in this field. People always need to be taken care of. There is always a need for this career. It has recently caught on and only continues to grow.” There will always be a need for doctors because people always need to be taken care

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