Essay On Sor Juana De La Cruz

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Colonial Women in Mexico During the colonial period of Mexico equal rights between men and women were far from equal. Women were to be nuns and practice the word of Christ or become a wife and bear her husband’s children. With this being said women did not have many options when it came to furthering their education or working outside of the home. One woman scholar named Sor Juana De La Cruz fought for her rights and freedom to study and pursue her writing career. “Born November 12, 1651, in San Miguel Nepantla, Tepetlixpa México, Juana Inés de La Cruz’s intelligence and scholarship became known throughout the country during her teen years.” With her options diminished to only two and with her continuing passion to learn, she decided to become a nun. “She began her life as a nun in 1667 so that …show more content…

After taking her vows, Sor Juana read tirelessly and wrote plays and poetry, often challenging societal values and becoming an early proponent of women's rights.” Sor Juana was a wonderful writer and poetic genius who inspired many other young women to pursue writing. She became an inspiration of her time to many feminists and women's rights activists looking for equal treatment and recognition in this world showing that a women could succeed in a male oriented profession. Society had cut and dry gender roles during her time and she in a sense became a pioneer for altered thinking and helped initiate the feminist movement. “Today, Sor Juana stands as a national icon of Mexican identity, and her image appears on Mexican currency. She came to new prominence in the late 20th century with the rise of feminism and women's writing, officially becoming credited as the first published feminist of the New World.” Sor Juana was an influential piece of colonial history and her legacy has been shown

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