Essay On Sonar

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Even though, naval sonar is necessary for the Navy and our safety, it has been shown to disrupt feeding and other vital behavior and to cause a wide range of species to frighten and take off. Marine experts are alarmed about the increasing effect of all of these impacts on marine animals. When the military uses sonar location on their submarines the sonar waves are hurting whales. Whales communicate with other individuals in their species by vocalizations; they use sonar much more than sight to find their food, families, and directions. The frequency that both whales and the military use falls between “100 and 500 Hz. Whales send signals out between 160 and 190 Db, the Navy has tested its sonar signals at levels up to 235 Db.” As explained in Science Wire. It is evident that the military sound waves are interfering with the whale’s communication between one another.
To prove their point a group of scientists tested low frequency sound on whales, these sounds are not as loud as the military sonar. Scientist reproduced the sound at a whale feeding zone and observed that none of the whales responded in the same way, some avoided the feeding ground and many other fled from the noise. This experiment clearly shows sonar is bothering the whales. The Navy does not dispute the potential danger to the marine mammals, recognizing in “its own environmental assessments that the sonar may permanently damage as many as 500 whales and temporarily deafen at least 8,000 whales.” (Scientific America November 12, 2008). Some ways the environmentalist are trying to help the situation is by asking the Navy to agree on having a safety zone (there will be areas where the Navy can promise not to make high sounds) and also have Navy exercise work zones wh...

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...tect the whales during their routine training. By taking these steps the navy in no way would compromise our military readiness. Many whales are dying and the navy does not want to take the blame. Whales should not have to suffer or die for military practice. In order to protect our planet we most compromise. It is imminent that our Navy has the need to improve their technology and to prepare their officials to use it. But, it is also imminent, that sonar frequencies are disturbing our whales. In the need to protect our lives, we cannot endanger the lives of our ecosystems. Whales are a very important part of our Marine ecosystem; we most compromise and guarantee their safety. The Navy needs to find a way to improve their technology and stop hurting animals. As a planet we need to find out a way to be able to work all of our technology without hurting our world.

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