Essay On Sociological Thinking

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Summary 1
There are three traditional ways of thinking or perspectives that have been an influence to sociological thinking.
· Functionalism – This theory sees our society as a complex system where parts of society work and move together. It recognises that each factor of society is based on a social structure that we have little control over, and social function, that each person or group of people contribute to the functionality of society. (Macionis and Plummer, 2012, P 28).
· Conflict Perspective – An idea that sees differences and equality that led to social conflict and change. Those that are on the top of a situation want to protect themselves and their rights, where as those on the bottom are striving for change for personal or political benefit, thus causing conflict. For example, Women were tired of not getting a vote or equal rights, so they marched and protested against men (the top) to obtain privileges (Macionis and Plummer, 2012, p39)
· Social Action Perspective - This perspective sees society as a whole unit. Max Weber stated that human meaning and action helps shape society. Societies change or are different as how a people in such societies react or see the world (Macionis and Plummer, 2012, P42). Social class and social structure like in the Conflict and Functionalism perspectives aren’t really the case in the Social Action perspective.
These three traditional theories and perspectives are very valid and are useful tools to study sociology. While the three traditional perspectives still occur in society other theories on postmodern sociology have been developed and these emphasises changes in cultures and social perspectives.
The main reason to be suspicious or critical of the traditional perspectives is the...

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...ven a social experience to say ‘yes its okay to eat it’, like another person eating the same thing.

We are nurtured through social experiences even as we grow into adulthood; we live in a socially constructed reality (Patulny R, 2014).

Reference List

Macionis, J, J and Plummer, K, 2012, ‘Thinking Sociologically, Thinking Globally’, in Sociology A Global Introduction, Prentice Hall, Harlow, England, pp 32-59.

Macionis, J, J and Plummer, K, 2012, ‘Societies’, in Sociology A Global Introduction, Prentice Hall, Harlow, England, pp 104-141.

Macionis, J, J and Plummer, K, 2012, ‘Micro-sociology: The Social Construction of Everyday Life’, in Sociology A Global Introduction, Prentice Hall, Harlow, England, pp 206-248.

Patulny, R, 2014, Lecture 3, Social Agency- Social interaction and Post-Industrial work, Sociology 103, University of Wollongong, Viewed 19 March.

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