Essay On Sloths

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Sloths are awesome animals and can do all sorts of things, and have interesting facts about them that not many people actually know very well or even at all. Sloths are not very big and have cool adaptations. They also have a very strange diet. They have amazing talents such as being very slow to prevent and animals spotting them.
They have a weird diet as I told you in the introduction. They eat leaves and some insects. Sloths also eat small reptiles. Sloths get most or even all their food such as leaves at night. The leaves they eat are from the tree called Cecropia trees. Those trees are from North, Central, and South America. That is a very good thing because that's where sloths live.
They don’t live as long as humans do, but they get a pretty long life. An average sloth can live anywhere from 10-16. If they are in captivity they can live up to their mid-thirties. Sloths are not very big they can get anywhere from 50-60cm long. Their tails can get to 6-7cm long and are very stuby. There are two kinds of sloths a two-toed sloth and three- toed sloth. All sloths actually have three toes, but the two-toed sloth has …show more content…

One adaptation they have overcome is the leaves, they eat are not very nutritious at all. And in addition to the leaves are almost impossible to digest. So the sloths now have little compartments that have strong bacteria that helps the sloths digest the leaves. Three-toed sloths have tan coats, while two-toed sloths usually have gray-brown fur. While these tones match tree trunks and branches, the animals have another layer of camouflage: Green algae grow from their hair, enabling them to better blend into the leaves and vines of the treetop canopy. Their extremely slow movements might also help conceal them from predators that rely on vision to hunt. Also sloths can protect itself as well as another animal in the forest but of course they can't fight a lion but they can protect themselves with their

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