Essay On Quebec Separation

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The Quebec separation all started when a separatist group called the “Front de Liberation du Quebec (also known as FLQ) began a terrorist campaign to win sovereignty for Quebec in 1963. However, not a lot of people supported the FLQ after they kidnapped the British commissioner, James Cross, and assassinated Quebec’s Labour Minister, Pierre Laporte, in 1970. On the other hand, Rene Lévesque, the leader of another separatist group called “Parti Quebecois” provided a more peaceful way to get separation. Furthermore, Lévesque confessed that the French-speaking Quebec might not survive within the Canadian federal system, so he recommended that Quebec should become politically independent but keep some form of economic union with Canada. The Quebec separation can be justified by the argument that it is a distinct society as the result of their language, legal system, and the origin of their culture.

Quebec is a distinct society because of their language. Quebec’s official language is only French whereas the rest of Canada’s official languages are English and French. During the time of separatism, Canada’s French speaking population was 25.7%. Even though Canada’s official language …show more content…

Quebec uses the Civil law and the common law whereas the rest of Canada uses just the Common law. The National Assembly which is composed of members elected by Quebecers during provincial elections make Quebec laws while the rest of Canada’s laws are made by the Parliament of Canada which consists of the Queen, the House of Commons, and the House of Senate. This shows the different people who make the laws for Quebec and the rest of Canada. An example between the two types of laws used in Canada is the roles of the judges. In Common law, lawyers present the case in an opposing manner and the judge is basically silent. However, in Civil law, the judge has a bigger role and he or she will ask questions to understand the

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