Essay On Overprotecting Children

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Overprotecting Children: Why it Does More Harm Than Good Every parent wants to protect their child from getting hurt, whether it’s scraping a knee or losing their best friend. As parents, it’s your job to watch your child grow, learn and make mistakes. Children must make their own mistakes in order to learn from them; if they don’t do this, they won’t be able to tell right from wrong when they become adults and take on the world without the guidance of their parents. Protecting your child is good, but some parents may be a bit overprotective and shelter their child a little too much. Is it possible that overprotecting children is doing more harm than good? Dr. Sylvia B. Rimm says that children today are requiring more protection than children in prior generations. If you think about it, today’s parents …show more content…

According to Amanda Morin, one way to ensure that you don’t overprotect your child is to not fear first. Whether it’s your child taking his or her first steps or going on his or her first date, they’re always going to be trying new things, so you might as well get used to this early instead of holding your child back because of your own fears. Another one that many parents do is set their own rules or guidelines to ensure that they don’t do everything for their child, but that their child does certain things on their own. Another huge way to avoid over-sheltering your child is to simply let your child make their own mistakes. It may be hard for you to watch them make mistakes, but how else are they going to learn? Everybody makes mistakes, but he important thing is that we learn from them. Instead of keeping your child from trying new things where they could fail or make mistakes, take a step back and let them do it. This will help your child become stronger and more independent, allowing them to learn necessary life skills

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