Essay On Overpopulation In Nigeria

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A governor is able to own a six-thousand square foot home fully equipped with multiple security guards, a swimming pool, and far more rooms than needed. Meanwhile, in a neighboring town just miles away is poverty stricken land where someone calls home. It is surrounded by trash, with little food to eat, as the stench of sewage from the city coats the air. This scenario is foreign to people living in the United States. That is simply because this is a problem prevalent to ones living in Nigeria, West Africa. For decades, Nigeria has been infamously known for the non-progressive gap between the categorization of who is considered to be either wealthy or who is labeled as impoverished. It is a country filled with an abundance of resources, and …show more content…

Nigeria’s total population currently stands at over one hundred seventy three million people. With a population so excessively high, it is nearly impossible to reach out to each and every person that may be struggling financial. Problems such as this have not only risen in Africa. For more than three decades, China had enforced that every married couple must only have one child per family due to overpopulation. Although, China does have many exceptions to this rule including economic status and disabilities within the family, it was strictly enforced for nearly thirty years. Overpopulation Nigeria is one of the many countries that does not follow the western world way of government funded financial aid, it is because of this that many Nigerians may feel a sense of hopelessness when put in an unsettling situation involving money. With such a high population in Sub-Saharan Africa, “the proportion of Africans living on less than one dollar per day” has hardly any chances of decreasing any time …show more content…

Nigeria’s economy is one of the largest in all of Africa, “ironically, the country also [has] some of the poorest people in the world with as many as sixty-nine percent of the population living below the poverty line” (_________). This quote gives insight into how corruption has aided in the destroying of the country. In Nigeria, there is no accountability for the government when the people behind it do wrong. The main role of the government is to protect all people of a region; unfortunately Nigeria’s government leaders have not been doing so in the recent years. The leaders of the Nigerian government including the president, have repeatedly made public statements against accusations of a need for solutions to the problems surrounding

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