Essay On My Personal Reading

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Some of my earliest memories are of my grandmother reading stories to me about magical lands where anything you dreamt of could become reality. We read of princesses and princes, witches and wizards, and even a crazy teacher and her magic schoolbus. After each story my grandmother would set the book down and say to me, “Danielle, books are the way into a magical world where anything can happen. Anything you dream, no matter how silly, can happen in this land. Why? Because this magical place is inside of you. It is your imagination. Anything you dream of here can be made a reality through you.” My grandmother’s wisdom opened the gateway into my reading. I no longer just read the words on the page, but instead I was recreating the story within my mind. This is the key to reading, being able to bring the emotions of a story to life. I put myself into the story, so I can feel the characters’ pain, joy, sadness, and so on. Connecting to the story gives the reader a deeper understanding of the author’s messages.
In elementary school I excelled in reading. I yearned for more advanced books and read every day. Sadly, I …show more content…

I am especially excited to compose my own personal reading library and to create a study plan for a poetry unit. I hope to learn how to incorporate readings into other subject areas and how to get children excited about reading. I know that some children have a difficult time with reading and as a result don’t find it enjoyable. My little sister for example has had a hard time visualizing a story and has become discouraged with reading. I want to find ways to bring joy and excitement back into books for kids who have struggled with reading. I also hope to improve my reading skills and my public speaking skills as I will need both to become a great

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