Essay On Methland

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The book Methland is written by Nick Reding. The story is written from his perspective and from his experiences. Methland is mainly taking place in a small town named Oelwein, Iowa. The book’s purpose is to explain how meth has affected become an epidemic in Oelwein, and other small towns. It gives the details of how such a small town got into such a bad position over a little period of time. The story starts off with Nick going to visit Oelwein. While he was in Oelwein Nick noticed a lot of what he calls tweakers. He’s from a town that also has a meth problem so he knew the town had a problem. He knew there was more that he wanted to know and wanted to get to the bottom of how Oelwein got into this situation. Nick decides he’s going to stay there for awhile and learn more. He ends up learning a lot while being there and goes there for quite awhile. In the book Nick gives several people's story on how meth in Oelwein effects or has affected them. Pretty much everyone in the town was connected to it in a way. Just like most small towns in the Midwest, …show more content…

Not only is it easy to make, the supplies needed to cook it are cheap, easily attainable, and legal. At first meth cooks were using Ephedrine to make their meth, which was decently easy to get ahold of. The U.S. then passed a law to make it harder for them to get it. They thought this would slow down the amount of meth being made. This only made things worse because they found a way to make meth from pseudoephedrine, which is in cough medicine you can buy from stores. Big labs were making most the meth, but with the new pseudoephedrine being used, that is attainable nearly everywhere, it made for small labs to be able to be used too. Oelwein and other small towns didn’t need to travel to these larger labs to get their meth anymore. They could go to any of the several small label setup in house right in there town to get

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