Essay On Medieval Romance Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Medieval Romance of Sir Gawain & the Green Knight In the Medieval Romance of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight imagery reinforces the five basic rules that are fundamental to the “Quest”. “Let this game be mine. Now if you, my worthy lord,” said Gawain to the King.” Lines 117-120 Sir Gawain shows his bravery and determination the minute the Green Knight challenges him, his initiative actions stand out the moment he accepts the Green Knights challenge. As all quests have a repetitive plot, the Medieval Romance has the basic five quest rules that each adventure consists of. It starts with a quester one can immediately point out that it is Sir Gawain, second, there is a place to go and that is the “Splendid castle”. There has to be a reason for the protagonist to go on the quest, Sir Gawain is searching for the Green Knight to fulfill the challenge he was quested to do. Through the journey he phases several obstacles such as Lady Bertilak who is nothing but a touchstone. The overall journey is …show more content…

You have quickly forgotten what I taught you yesterday” lines 240-245. The lady of the castle uses the "rules of polite behavior" to trap Gawain into kissing her. According to her, these rules dictate that a knight must always be quick to kiss a lady when her flirtatious behavior indicates she wants him to. Quickly one can point out that Lady Bertilak is the “vampire” of the story, she has all the characteristics of the literary vampire seduction, temptation, and most importantly refusal to respect the autonomy of others. While him proving his honor, self-control and discipline he withstands the temptation and attraction to Lady Bertilak. These contrasting ideas emphasize how Sir Gawain grows as a character and gains true self-knowledge in every situation that he phases as he makes his

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