Essay On Law Breaking

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There is a clear difference between protesting and breaking the law. Everyone knows that protesting is part of the first amendment’s freedom of expression, and some people will sometimes take advantage of this freedom but they may end up breaking the law. Peaceful resistance to laws mostly has a negative impact on a free society. Resistance to a country’s laws is not a good idea and is not good for society. Although many people hate to admit it, President Donald Trump was elected to the presidency fairly, by the electoral college. This means that he is legitimate and that any laws he proposes or passes must be abided by all citizens of the United States. Any person who refuses to follow a law passed during this presidency will technically be committing a crime. …show more content…

Protests are used to make a point and try to make the voices of minorities heard. Some minorities get out of hand and begin breaking laws. This could negatively impact the free society we live in because it may end up causing officials to pass laws which are stricter. Stricter laws could potentially limit the freedoms of everybody living in the country. Freedoms should not be limited just because some people cannot accept the fact that we have officials who represent and make decisions for us. That is the whole point of the representative democracy that the United States in run under. We have representatives in order to limit the powers of the People because giving them too much would probably cause the country to fail as a whole. If someone is miraculously not penalized for resisting a law, it would set an example and make other people think that they too can break laws if they want. Law-breaking would ruin the flow and unity that the United States has built up over the years which is why it shouldn’t be a

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