Department Store Case Study

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Interiority has always something that link to exterior, or even something that cannot be categorize as internal. During 15th century, human activities were held in same space with no privacy conceptual. Until 18th century, the notion of interiority and privacy had been separated. European house interior started to develop a space that been separated for several functions, such as sleeping activities placed in bedroom, eating activities placed in dining area and etc.There are direct connections between surrounding environment and our lifestyle. Inteiror, exterior and interiority are the three main figures in this relation. To clarify these relations, we need to reflect upon the history and content of interior space. Could these relationships …show more content…

The main principle that he believes that department store forms a single space. They can be taken in, so to speak, at a glance. He shows that how a single space full with different stores and cafes that attract and welcome the crowd and keep them in seduced, and therefore it leads to architectural practices in department store. Between the rise of economy, rivals of industry revolution, second world war, the stores were radically replaced by department store. Revolution from arcades to department stores considered as a new type of retail business in mid 19th century and they catered to upper class society. Urban design, transportation and well public facilities were slowly designed to fit with department stores and this causes the economic rise. The main reason why arcades slowly been replaced is because the ownership, shop size and supply transportation problems. One or more entries from each direction to maximise the number to passing public, stairs and elevator were invented to provide easy access to different levels. Because if high rising building, natural lighting not able to passes through building, glass roof were mainly use for daytime and gas lighting for

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